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When discussing storage systems, we often focus on quality, durability, and long-lasting solutions. However, one key element is left to lesser conversation: adaptability. When you decide to invest in long-lasting storage solutions, you have to keep in mind that life situations can change during the storage system’s lifetime. The same storage system might have to adapt to for example changing hobbies, new family members and other changing areas of life that have to do with storage. Everyday life can be a whole lot different in five years than it is now – do your storage systems easily keep up with changing life situations?

What does adaptability mean in practice?

Adaptability can mean many things, but here are a few thoughts about it focusing on storage. Adaptability is in its most simple form the possibility to update and adapt your existing storage system throughout years, so you don’t need to renew the whole system when your storage needs change. This can be done for example with a storage system where you can change the spacing between shelves.

A storage system can also be adapted by choosing a quality base which you can build to fit your changing storage needs with add-ons and supplies. This allows you to make your storage more efficient with little effort. In addition to time, this also saves money, as you can update and tune your storage system with small additions, without having to renew the whole system every few years.

One element of adaptability is also being able to install a new storage system into an existing closet if the closet is standard sized. For many, the first thought when renewing a storage system is to renew everything from top to bottom, but usually there’s actually a lot to work with before a full renovation is needed. It’s easily possible to install a new storage system into older existing closets, which allows you to make your storage more efficient without a large renovation.

Adaptability allows more efficient use of storage spaces

Making storage spaces function more efficiently is one of the main reasons why adaptability should be one of the key criteria when thinking about a new storage system. You can get a lot out of a small space, when you plan it well from a storage point of view. Fixed storage systems that do not allow much adapting are problematic in the sense that there is often empty extra space on shelves. On the other hand, you might have to pack a lot of things on top of each other to take full use of the space. This makes it hard to function in everyday life and gives an untidy appearance to the storage space.

By choosing a storage system where you can adapt the shelf spacing as needed, you can organize the space so that there is no extra unused space. This makes the overall look of the storage space tidy and clean. This also makes it easier to map out where each item is stored, helping you find what you need in everyday life. Quality storage systems can often be equipped with many add-ons, such as trouser shelves and other special solutions that make it easier to keep your things tidy, easily accessible, and efficiently stored.

Even the best storage system doesn’t work if it doesn’t match your needs

Often people wonder what the point in investing in a storage system is, if life situations keep changing and it’s expected that the storage system planned now won’t serve the same way in a few years. This is exactly the reason why you should invest in a long-lasting and adaptable storage system!

A storage system is easy to keep fit for your use when the base is planned to be as adaptable as possible. Changing life situations don’t matter, when you can adapt storage solutions with small updates to make your storage work for whatever your life situation may be. Adaptability saves a lot of nerves, time and money.

It’s good to keep in mind that even the best storage space doesn’t bring happiness if its solutions have not been planned to match your own needs. That’s why we always try to remind people that everything related to home storage should be planned and chosen according to your own specific everyday needs. This way storage spaces fit right in as a part of everyday life and support having an organized home even in the most hectic times in life.


Planning new storage solutions or have questions on your mind? Our professional team is happy to help you choose the best and long-lasting solutions for your home!


Wall storage system >> https://www.lankajamuovi.fi/en/storage-spaces/wall-storage-system.html

Sliding out baskets >> https://www.lankajamuovi.fi/en/storage-spaces/sliding-out-baskets.html

Trouser shelves >> https://www.lankajamuovi.fi/en/storage-spaces/trouser-shelves.html

All storage products >> https://www.lankajamuovi.fi/en/storage-spaces

Wall-mounted baskets >> https://www.lankajamuovi.fi/en/storage-spaces/wall-mounted-baskets.html